Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Francis and the lights - Darling, it's alright / Lime

Indie band uit NYC met krankzinnig dansende voorman en geweldige lichtshow. Staan in het voorprogramma van MGMT. Het grappige is dat ze de band als bedrijf hebben ingeschreven en zo startkapitaal hebben geleend om te starten. Niks platenlabel tekenen dus. De investeerder: "As a fan of his music, I see no alternative. The traditional role of a 'manager' who makes strategic decisions is incompatible with a man whose vision requires absolute control of all artistic and business decisions.". Wat een podiumact! Zie 2e vid. Album: It'll Be Better.

New York band Francis And The Lights have incorporated themselves and received an investment of $100,000 from The Normative Music Company rather than sign a conventional contract. Speaking about the deal, Normative's Jake Lodwick likened the arrangement to an internet start-up working with a venture capital firm.

Home: oorbijter

Music Video - "Darling, It's Alright" - Francis and the Lights from Francis and the Lights on Vimeo.

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