Young Birmingham band Swim Deep makes alternative rock and dresses like skaters. Watch the video for the single The Sea. A vid with a nice dance and a few cute girls.
Strike Gently is the new (2nd) album of New York post-punk band The Virgins. First single: Flashbacks, memories and dreams. Watch the great hairdo of frontman Donald Cumming in video with "80's" feel. Song is epic!
Denmark dudes New Politics where off the radar for a while. Nack with new single Harlem, again a blend of punk, pop, and electronica. Earbiter calls it indie dance. And it reminds me a bit of the seventies glam rock. Nice!
The Virginmarys are an alternative/garage/power rock band from the North of England. The band just released their debut album King of Conflict. Just A Ride is a song you will put on repeat. It's your Monday morning shot.